Where is your Happy Place?

As we begin a Hypnotherapy session, I ask my clients to tell me about their most relaxing place, their “happy place”. Is it at home? Away? On the Beach? In the Mountains? Where is YOUR most relaxing, happy place?

Today, when you find yourself in one of those moments in which the stress or anxiety is ramping up, or even your need to grab that cookie or cigarette is getting the best of you, take a deep breath in through your nose to the count of three, pause, smile, and exhale through your mouth slowly to the count of 5. On your next inhale, imagine you are in that “Happy Place”. Using 5 senses, imagine what you see in that place. What sounds do you hear? As you exhale, imagine the tastes and the aromas of this place. If your place is outside, imagine the feeling of the sun warming you head to toe, and the beautiful, gentle breeze.

And notice your smile…….

Have a wonderful day!